Chiropractic Care for Auto Accident Injuries
The first instinct for most people involved in an auto accident is to treat any form of discomfort with pain medications. However, improperly treated or undiagnosed symptoms related to the neck and spine may linger and eventually lead to long-term health problems. A chiropractor can provide an accurate evaluation of any muscle, tendon, back, neck and leg injuries that may only surface weeks or even months after a car collision. Consult with a licensed Restoration Chiropractic chiropractor promptly for a complete evaluation and treatment.
Early Diagnosis & Treatment is Essential
A Restoration Chiropractic chiropractor will frequently treat auto accident injuries that have evolved into chronic pain conditions in the neck, spine and joints. Many people only begin to experience symptoms, including headaches and mobility problems, months after an auto accident. A chiropractor will identify and treat any underlying problem with the neck and spine that may appear as any range of symptoms.
Chiropractic Care for Scar Tissue Prevention
While muscle damage is generally addressed immediately following an auto accident, later scar tissue of your back and neck are often more difficult to detect and can pose significant long-term problems. Your chiropractor will pinpoint the specific areas affected by scarring and perform a range of adjustments to break up the adhesions in addition to reducing pain and stimulating the body's natural healing mechanisms.
Reduce Inflammation With Chiropractic Care
Painful inflammation following a motor vehicle accident is the result of damaged tissue that remains untreated and immobile that slows down the healing process. Restoration Chiropractic chiropractic care is aimed at reducing inflamed tissue through manual adjustments that naturally stimulates the body's innate corrective processes, without the use of invasive procedures or medications.
Restore Your Range of Motion With Chiropractic Care
Damage to spinal ligaments following an auto accident may cause inflammation due to reduced circulation and low nutrient blood supply. Chiropractic care addresses this type of injury with a range of customized care to mobilize spinal joints and promote blood flow that accelerates healing.
Prevent and Manage Chronic Pain After an Auto Accident
Manual adjustments administered by a licensed Restoration Chiropractic chiropractor have long been recognized as an effective method to reduce acute or chronic pain. Numerous studies have revealed that neck and back pain in particular, are significantly reduced with prompt evaluation from a qualified chiropractor following an auto accident. In addition, customized chiropractic care programs help to increase your body's natural hormones that reduce pain and relieve stress.
What to Expect on Your First Visit
Following a complete physical exam including posture assessment and x-rays, initial treatments are focused on pain management, reducing inflammation and muscle spasms brought on as a result of auto accident injuries. A Restoration Chiropractic chiropractor will work closely with you to develop a treatment plan that addresses your specific condition and may also include exercise techniques and nutritional advice to stimulate healing, restore mobility and muscle strength. Early consultation and prompt chiropractic care after a motor vehicle accident is recommended to address potentially serious issues that may evolve into chronic pain and reduced mobility.
Contact Us Today
Whenever you need a Chiropractor, Restoration Chiropractic is here to help!